Finance -- Salary on Grants for Basic Science Salary Incentive Program

Production's Finance Stream

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Brief Description

Campus-wide salary paid on grants for employees who have a home department in SMPH or have salary funded by SMPH

Data Classification



Melissa Chan

Primary Audience

SMPH departmental managers and administrators

Please list briefly, and include a note about who else has access to the app. If the content is filtered depending on who is viewing it, include that also.

Data Sources

All data come from FINANCE_QVDs_WISDM:

Data Load Schedule

Monthly on the 7th day


DeptIDs Match - 'Yes' means the Job and SFS DeptIDs match for grants. 'No' means all other.
Job DeptID - The 4-digit department ID associated with the employee’s job in HRS.
PR Type - Organizes grants into 3 categories: C Basis Summer (account 1003), Lump Sum (1005,1009,1055), or Regular (all other)
Grant Type - Organizes grants into 5 categories:
Grants In Dept (Funds 133, 144; Job DeptID and SFS DeptID match)
Grants Outside Dept (Funds 133, 144;Job DeptID and SFS DeptID do NOT match)
School Funds (Fund 101 or projects AAD1851,AAI7362,AAG3195,AAH5849,AAK2223)
Cluster (Projects containing 'CLUSTER' in the title where funding is outside of fund 101)
Non-Grants In Dept (Funds besides 101,133,144; Job DeptID and SFS DeptID match)
Non Grants Outside Dept (Funds besides 101,133,144; Job DeptID and SFS DeptID do NOT match)
Salary on Grant Amount - Salary for both Grants In Dept and Grants Outside Dept
SFS DeptID - The 4-digit department ID of the department that is funding the expense.
Total Salary - Sum of salary expenses
Percent Salary on Grant - Amount of Salary on Grant within the Total Salary

See WISER Glossary

Plans for Future Development

If known and clearly defined: can attempt to build in HR logic for selecting eligible employees and can attempt to build % of salary paid on grant sheet

Additional Notes

This app first pulls a list of faculty whose home dept is in SMPH (Job DeptID) or whose salary is funded by SMPH (SFS DeptID).
Then the app pulls salary expenses related to those employees, even if the expenses are outside of SMPH.
Provides data for current and past fiscal year
Excludes visiting and emeritus jobcodes
Excludes encumbrances
The Tier2_Expenses_Payroll QVD used by this app is also used by Finance - Grad Consortium and MS Biotech app and Finance - PI Expenses app as of 8/2023. More apps may also use this QVD in the future.