Many grant applications go through two rounds of external review, once after LOI and again after Full App, during the proposal stage. This section gives instructions on how to assign and manage external reviewers, as well as considerations for assigning review at both the First and Second External Review States.

Where to Look

  1. In Fluxx, open the grant to update and navigate to the Internal section.
  2. Expand the Reviewers drop down. 

Assign Reviewers

  1. In Fluxx, go to the Reviewers section.
  2. Click the green plus button
  3. In the Add Reviewer Set window, configure the following:
    1. Reviewer: Enter one or more reviewers. If the Review Status and Request Review Theme should be different for certain reviewers, create different review sets.
      Note: The following fields apply to ALL reviewers, so 
    2. Reviewer group: Ignore (this field allows you to add a group of pre-determined reviewers; however due to the way review is often assigned out WPP doesn't tend to use this tool)
    3. Review Status: Enter the status (select only one) at which review forms should be sent out. Typically, select either First External Review or Second External Review. 
      Note: Review records aren't created until the grant is in the selected status. So, you can assign reviewers at an earlier stage, and they won't be able to access the forms until the grant moves into this state. 
      Also note: If a grant is already in the selected state, review records are created immediately. If the grant is past the selected state, Fluxx does not generate the review records.
    4. Request Review Theme: Select the form template you want reviewers to fill out for this grant.
  4. Click Save

Edit Review Sets

Editing review sets can lead to data loss, so review this section carefully to determine whether it's safe to edit. When in doubt, reach out to your Fluxx administrator

When it's safe to edit a review set:

When not to edit a review set:


(This section is primarily for Fluxx admins)

Highlights of how this functionality works:

Overriding Review Sets Issue

There aren't many guardrails around this feature, particularly around editing. If we allow staff to edit at all, they can corrupt or lose review data, but it's not always problematic.

One idea I explored (ultimately didn't work) was to create two Reviewer components, one for first review and another for second, so we can lock down different review sets and prevent this issue. Unfortunately, turns out if you add multiple Reviewer components they merely duplicate each other on the same form (I don't think they create multiple review records, just that they show the exact same review sets). So that's a no go. 

I reached out to Fluxx and they said they'd do some research and let me know if they came up with any ideas for our workflow, but who knows if they'll come back with anything useful.

For now, my solution is to create this document to explain the review assignment process, and possibly conduct a training letting everyone know what not to do. I also want to check with leadership whether we should consider taking away edit capabilities. 
