First run a search full search on awarded grants that have Funded Project Status field set to either "Approved" or "Delivered". This is the advanced search script for it:

Requests.Disposition = 'Approved' AND (REQUESTS_EXT.Funded_Project_Status = 'Approved to be published' OR REQUESTS_EXT.Funded_Project_Status = 'Delivered')

The list viewer brings up the results.

Change the view to "Grant Explorer View" from the dropdown.

Export the file and open the spreadsheet.

Remove the first row if it is the search criteria.

Check the "Year Awarded" column. If empty, fill it based on "Disposition Date" column.

Add a column at the very beginning, call it "T4 Sortable Element Name".

The formula for the column is "[[sort]] "+reference number. In excel, for instance it can be like the following considering reference number is the second column:

=CONCATENATE("[[sort]] ",B2)

And we click the check mark and drag it all the way to the end.

Remove any phone number in "Grantee Name" column if any.

Save the file and send it over to ehealth staff.

Make sure there are no Geo fields.

This is an example file: