A summary of the process

A REDCap project with title of "WPP Leveraging Project" has been created to keep track of leveraged sources.

The project consists of two instruments: one survey and one internal data collection form called "General Grant Information"

The survey is a repeatable instrument linked to the internal data collection form.

The General Grant Information is holding only the main information of the grant and is being filled by WPP internal staff. Therefore, it is recommended that data entry here is done on a regular basis. This step requires REDCap access that can be requested through the following link:

REDCap Account Request Form

When data entry done, then a queue is available for the repeatable survey that can be either filled externally or internally. There is a field in Blackbaud request module that holds the URL of the survey queue. The link has to be manually copied from REDCap and pasted into that field in Blackbaud. This way, the URL is available to be communicated to grantees and they can take care of it themselves if WPP decides to make that decision.

It is recommended data entry to be processed through one of the following ways only:

Batch data import

Manually entering data

Batch Data Import

Open the template file in the following N drive folder:

"N:\ADMIN\WI Partnership Program\Tools\Leveraged Sources Project\Leveraged_Sources_Project_Template.csv"

The following columns have to be filled as instructed each below:

This is the Reference Number of the Request(leave this empty)(leave this empty)(leave this empty)This is the Reference Number of the RequestThis is the Project Title of the RequestName of the contact on the requestemail of the contact on the request(leave this empty)2 (always enter 2 for complete)

After this is saved, upload it to the REDCap import tool and data will be available.

Manually entering data 

This task requires REDCap access that can be requested through the following link:

REDCap Account Request Form

Login to REDCap:


Go to My Projects from the top menu (if you don't see them on your screen)

Choose "WPP Leveraging Project":

WPP LEveraging Project

On the left hand side menu, choose "Add/ Edit Records"

The choose "Add new Record"

Add New Record

Under Data Collection Instruments, choose "General Grant Information"

General Grant Information Instrument

Fill all the fields except for "Does the grant have any leveraged funds?"

From the complete? dropdown choose "Complete"

Save and Exit Form

Complete the form

After all entries have been processed and saved successfully, from the left hand side menu panel choose "Survey Distribution Tools"

Export participants list

Entering Queue Link into Blackbaud Grantmaking

Click the second tab "Participant List"

From Displaying dropdown choose "-- ALL --"

Click the "Export List" button

In the exported spreadsheet, find your entered data by grant id and then look at the Survey Queue Link column

Survey Queue List

Open Blackbaud Grantmaking and search for those grants and open them one by one. Copy the URL from the spreadsheet into "Leveraged Sources List URL" field under "Evaluation" section in Request module.