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Brief Description

This app identifies open Wisconsin Partnership Program grants and monitors their spending rates.

Data Classification



Melissa Chan

Primary Audience

Wisconsin Partnership Program Administrators

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Data Sources

Data is retrieved from 2 different sources and loaded into QVDs:


Blackbaud: WPP_QVDs/WPP_BBGM_REQUESTS.QVD via the LOAD_WPP app. There are two Blackabud API calls: a Bearer token and a token that retrieves data in multiple calls. Each call pulls 20 records and loops until complete.

Data Load Schedule



Budget Cash Balance: The Budget_Cash_Balance for the month prior to the current month. 
Budget Itd: The Budget_Itd for the month prior to the current month.
Budget Monthly Spend Rate: The amount to spend each month if the budget is divided evenly across the duration of the project. Equals Budget_Itd/Proj_Months.
Cash Balance: The Cash_Balance for the month prior to the current month.
Exp Last Mo: Exp_And_Sales_Cr_Itd for the month prior to the current month.
Exp X mo ago: Exp_And_Sales_Cr_Itd for the month that occurred X months prior to the current period.
Expenses Itd: The Exp_And_Sales_Cr_Itd for the month prior to the current month.
Interim Budget Cash Balance: This represents how much has been over or underspent thus far in the project in relation to the Interim Budget Itd. A positive number = underspending, a negative number = overspending, and zero = spending is on track. This equals Interim_Budget_Itd minus Expenses_Itd.
Interim Budget Itd: This is the amount that would have been spent thus far in the project if the Budget Monthly Spend Rate were followed. Calculated by multiplying the Budget_Itd by the percent of months completed of the project.
Mo Budget Left: Amount of budget remaining if it were spent evenly each month. This equals Budget_Itd/Proj_Months*Months_Left.
Mo Left at Last 6 Mo Rate 75%: For projects with slow spending rates, this is the number of months needed to spend 75% of the budget at the current Spending_Rate_Last_6_mo. This equals (.75 times Budget_Itd minus) divided by Spending_Rate_Last_6_mo for projects whose Spending_Category is 40 or 50.
Months Left: This equals Project_End_Date minus today's date (including both the Project_End_Date and today's date) converted to months. For projects that are completed, this equals zero.
Months Left at Last 6 mo Spend Rate: This represents the number of months before the remaining budget would be spent at the current speed. This equals the Budget_Cash_Balance divided by Spending_Rate_Last_6_mo.
Percent Complete: The percent of project completed in terms of months. This equals (Proj_Months minus Months_Left) divided by Proj_Months, rounded to the 2nd decimal. For projects that have no months remaining, this equals zero.
Percent Spent: The percent of budget spent, which equals Expenses_Itd/Budget_Itd.
Proj Months: The duration of a project in months. Calculated by determining the number of days between the project start and end dates (including both the start date and end date) and converting to months. (Project_End_Date - Project_Start_Date+1)/365.25*12).
Remaining Amount: This equals Budget_Itd - PERC_Grant_Amount for PERC and Budget_Itd - OAC_Grant_Amount for OAC grants.
Spending Category: Organizes projects into categories according to spending rate.
Spending Rate Last 6 Mo: For projects with fewer than 5 months remaining, this is the average Exp_and_Sales_Cr_Itd for the past 6 months. Otherwise, this is the amount of Exp_and_Sales_Cr_Itd for the past 6 months divided across the number of months completed on the project. This amount is null for projects that are completed.
WPP Type: Abbreviated name of WPP category. OAC represents Award_Sponsor_Id MSN102605. ICTR represents projects that contain '4358' in the Award_Agency_Reference_Nbr. PERC represents all other projects.

For all other terms see WISDM definitions

Plans for Future Development

None at this time

Additional Notes

Only grants in Award Sponsor Id's MSN102604, MSN102605, or MSN102606 are included. 

The app will need to be revised with the addition of more ICTR grants. Currently, only grants whose Award Agency Reference Nbr includes 4358 are classified as ICTR.