The queue menu in the Admin Panel allows you to monitor two specific Queues from within the Admin Panel. The first queue is the Jobs Queue, which shows the status of (or delete) background jobs in the system – such as Card Exports and Bulk Updates.

The second queue is the Email Queue, which allows you to monitor, delete, or send emails that are sent to the Queue (i.e. those emails that are NOT automatically sent – see the Email Settings section for more information on this).

Before you go on...

Both of these queues can be monitored outside of the Admin Panel by non-admin users who have the required permissions. For more information on the permissions needed here, see the Permissions+ section of the User Settings Menu of the Admin Panel page.

For more information on Monitoring the Jobs Queue from outside of the Admin Panel, see this Fluxx article:

For more information on Monitoring the Email Queue from outside of the Admin Panel, see this Fluxx article:

Jobs Queue

As stated previously, the Jobs Queue tab allows you to monitor the status of (or delete) background jobs in the system. Please see the screenshot below for highlighted items from the Jobs Queue tab and beneath the screen for explanations of said items.

  1. Box # 1: Shows the Queues Menu of the Admin Panel as currently selected.
  2. Box # 2: Shows the Jobs Queue tab as currently selected.
  3. Box # 3: Shows the Filters that you can use to narrow down this menu to just the Jobs that you are interested in. There are three Filter options:
    1. Job Type: Filters based on the type of background job. These come in four flavors:
      1. Download_report_job: Represents background jobs resulting from a user downloading an Ad-Hoc report.
      2. Bulk_update_attribute_job: Represents background jobs resulting from a user running a bulk-update on a card.
      3. Migration_job: Represents a background job from a data migration. Some of these data migrations represent the big cut-over migrations performed before WPP went live in order to pull in data from our old Grants Management System into Fluxx. However, Migration jobs set up via the Admin Panel will also appear under these Job Type.
      4. Card_excel_export_job: Represents background jobs resulting from a user clicking "Export" on a card.
    2. State: Filters based off of the status of the background job:
      1. Any: As the name implies, this will display background jobs from any status (same functionality as if the blank status is selected).
      2. New: The job has not yet been started. This is a fairly rare status (the system is usually pretty fast about beginning background jobs, so they're rarely seen as 'New').
      3. Error: The job did NOT finish due to an error. Job needs to be restarted if the outcome is still desired (e.g. you'll need to export the card again, say, if you didn't get the Excel export).
      4. Canceled: The job did NOT finish due to it being stopped by a user.
      5. Processing: The job is being processed. Unless stopped by a user or the job runs across an error, this is the final status before the job is complete.
      6. Complete: The job has finished successfully.
    3. Created by: Shows a dropdown list of system Employees (the only type of user that can start a background job). This allows you to filter down to who actually kicked off the background job.
  4. Box # 4: Shows the top checkbox. Checking this checkbox will select every background job on this page (maximum of 25 jobs per page, so maximum of 25 jobs selected). 
  5. Box # 5: Shows the table headers for the table of jobs found beneath this line.
  6. Box # 6: Shows the individual checkboxes for the individual background jobs on this page. Each checkbox is in line with one background job and so allows you to select that specific job if you would like to run actions on just that job.
  7. Box # 7: Shows the downloadable reports for all export jobs (both for download_report_job and for card_excel_export_job). Basically, if the system did not automatically download this report for you when the background job finished (which is rare, but sometimes does occur), you can always have an admin user grab the Excel file for you from here. Also allows you to have a "history" of previously run exports.
  8. Box # 8: Shows pagination details.