Finding the requirement starting by searching the request number

First search for the request:

Search for Request (Grant)

1- Enter the request's reference number (grant number) into the search text field at the top of the page

2- Click the orange color "Find" button

3- The request is retrieved in a list view. double click on the request to open it:

Open Request's Requirements List 

The request module opens up. On the left bottom side menu bar, select "Requirements".

It will retrieve all the requirements related to the request (grant) in a list view:

List of all Requirements on Request

This might be very long list. In order to find what we are looking for easier, we can set a filter:

Type Filter Dropdown

1- Click on the "Type" dropdown from top bar.

2- Choose the type of requirement you are looking for by clicking the dropdown option

3- The list will refresh and show only the requirements that we filtered to see:

Filtered List of Requirements

Double-click on the requirement to open it up:

Finalizing the approval

Requirement Module

1- You can either type or paste the review text into the "Long Notes" text block field. 

2- Enter the date of approval into the "Program Review Approval Date" if you are a program officer. The next field is for grants financial officers.

3- If all parties have finished reviewing and everyone is done with the requirement and its document reviews, then click the "Mark as Done" button from the top ribbon menu.

4- Make sure to save and close the requirement.

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