Click in the link above if you are not automatically redirected in 10 seconds.
- Open a New Email window.
- Add the From field, to your Message window. (normally hidden by default)
In the Message window, select Options - Show Fields, click on From. (highlighted grey is enabled)
- Once the From field has been added, click the drop down arrow, choose Other Email Address...
- This opens the Send From Other Email Address window.
- Type in the "Directory" Name of the account, rather than the specific email address, then click OK.
- This opens a Check Names window that should find the service account, select and click OK.
A possible reason for not finding a Service Account by name is that Searchable in the Global Address List may not have been enabled for the account.
If you are an Authorized Admin for the account, you can enable the search-ability within the GAL by doing the following:
- Log into , under Delegated Administration, browse to the specific account listing.
- Once in the account, select the Office 365 section, click Status.
- In the STATUS section, under Global Address List (GAL), click the Show in GAL button.
After a short delay the Service Account should become searchable by name.
- The selected Service Account email address should now show, in the From field, and the message can now be sent from that account.