This page has been requested by different parties and it will have a variety of sections based on usage.

Uploading a document to a request

Make sure that the document has been saved in a local computer (on your computer or in N drive).

To add a document to a request, search for the request and open it by double-clicking on the item in the list:

List of request search results

It opens in request module window. From the top ribbon menu, select "New" and then choose "Document":

New Document on Request Module

Adding a document to a requirement

Make sure that the document has been saved in a local computer (on your computer or in N drive).

Open the requirement.

From the top ribbon menu, select "New" and then choose "Document":

New Document on Requirement Module

New Document Module

The document module starts up. To upload the file, click on "Browse"

Document Module - Browse

When clicking "Browse", a file explorer pops up:

File Explorer

Simply browse to the location of the document you want to upload, choose the file and click the "Open" button. This will add it to the document module in Blackbaud:

File Name after Upload

On the document screen, choose a meaningful title and you can copy that to the Subject as well:

Save the Document

You can also make the document "Shareable". This will expose it to external parties (reviewers, etc). Then "Save & Close".

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