What is the view
The view provides a visual representation of the data retrieved through search. It includes selected columns and this selection can be modified, sorted and/or formatted. The view can be saved with or without a saved search attached to it. If a view is saved with a search, it can be used for data retrieval from anywhere throughout the system (search, document management, etc.).
Save a view
To save a view, after running a search, click the grey open folder icon beside the view dropdown below search results and do modifications > click the Apply button > a save icon appears beside the view dropdown > click it > give the view a name and save it (you don’t have to add a search to it - in fact it’s not recommended in most cases). Here are some screenshots showing the same process followed on BB GM:
First Search:
Then click the ‘Modify View’ button which looks like an open folder on the right-hand side beside the ‘View’ dropdown:
The following modal will appear where you can set the view the way you wish (more on this in 'Edit View' section below) and then hit ‘Apply’:
We are back to our search results with the new look we just set up. The difference is that now a save button appears as an icon beside the open folder icon/button:
Click the save button:
Here you can add the name of your view, an optional description. You can share it to be available for others to see. Also, a saved search can be added to the view. Choosing a search is not mandatory
and in most cases is not recommended, since if you choose it, it will always be tied to that search.