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There are two ways to send these email templates in Fluxx:

  1. System Emails: The first way, which is both the most common way and the main way recommended, is to allow the system to send the email alert for you using logic. The system is capable of sending emails based on a record meeting specific criteria, i.e. that a Requirement is 30 days away from its Due Date and its status is still "New." When a record meets these criteria, the email alert will be automatically generated (and potentially automatically sent if "Automatically Send?" is set to yes).
    1. This is the way that all email reminders are set up; i.e. 30 days before a Requirement's Due Date the grantees will receive an email letting them know that the requirement is due in 30 days.
  2. Manual Bulk Emails: The second way is to use "Bulk Update" from within a Card screen in order to Bulk Send an email alert from a template. You will still need an email template, but instead of sending the email to only the records that meet specific criteria you can send the email alert out to a specific list of records that you want.

Letter: The user can also print letters and mail them manually themselves to the grantee. The system does not send them. The user has to do that on their own. The system generates them and allows the user to print them off. That's all!

  1. You can also then utilize the Email Queue functionality in order to filter out emails even more granularly to only the specific contacts you need/want to contact.


Letter: The user can generate longer-form documents that dynamically pull in fields from the related Grant Request; these are called Letters. These letters can be a big time saver; for example, in the past Partnership Program staff might have needed to manually write up the whole Grant Award Letter, but with the Letter functionality we can automate the generation of the Grant Award Letter from data we already haveReminders: Also, an email can be set to be sent as a reminder. IT can be scheduled and be sent in bulk to specific roles at certain date relative to dates on the request.