Your formula should now be established in cell A1. It should read as "[[sort]] (line space) (Grant Number from the same row in column B)." Now, we need to populate the rest of the cells in column A. Move your cursor to the bottom right-hand corner of cell A2 until your cursor changes into a tiny black cross. When it does so, double click your mouse. This will populate all of the cells in column A with the formula you entered into cell A2. That will complete the creation of the T-4 Sortable Element column. Please also see the screenshot below for further instruction.
Before moving onto the next step, you can take a step that isn't necessary but is helpful, i.e. turning your spreadsheet data into an official table. To start, click in any cell that contains data, and then click Ctrl + A on your keyboard to select every cell that would make up your table.
Concatenate the Health Topics Columns into One
In the newly created column, change the title of the column to "Health Topics." Then, click into cell T2. In that cell, enter into the following formula: =CONCAT(U2,V2). After you enter that formula in the cell, hit the "Enter" button on your keyboard to finalize the formula.
Now, move your cursor to the bottom right-hand corner of cell T2. When your cursor becomes a small, black cross, double click with the left mouse button. This will populate this formula into every cell in column T for your table.
Now, column T should be filled with a combination of what is in column U and column V. We need to make sure that this data, however, is stored as actual text and NOT just as an Excel formula.
To do this, start by clicking on cell T2 (your new Health Topics column, first cell down after the header). When that cell is selected, hold the Shift bar + Ctrl button and then click the down arrow (↓). This will allow you to select every (non-header) cell in column T.
Once you do so, you'll be brought down to the bottom of the table (highlighting every cell in column T on your way down – see also the screenshot below for how this will look). When you have everything selected, click Ctrl + C and then Ctrl + V.
Clicking Ctrl + C and Ctrl + V will copy and then paste the these cells back into column T. Doing so will bring you back up to the top of the table; towards the bottom of your screen, you should then see a button the says (Ctrl). Click on this button. From the menu that appears above the button, select the first icon underneath the Paste Values header (see also the screenshot below for visual assistance with this). This will ensure the values from these cells are pasted back in (rather than the formula).
This will ensure that the data is stable as text in column T. Now, we can delete columns U and V (Health Topics for OAC and PERC respectively, since they are now both combined into column T). To do so, click in column T right above the header, then Shift + Click into column U right above its header. Then, right click into other column above their respective header. From the menu that comes up below, click on the "Delete" option.
That completes the "Health Topics" column transformations.
Correct the Social Determinants of Health Column
The last column that needs changes is the new column V – which should now be called "Social Determinants of Health" (NOT to be confused with what should now be column W – "Social Determinants of Health Addressed.") The transformation in this column is relatively straightforward: the Funded Projects webpage can only accept single responses for this field, even though this field is multi-response.
The transformation is thus as follows: click into cell U2 and then click Ctrl + Down Arrow (↓) in order to find the next cell in this column populated with data.
If you find a cell that looks like the one found in the screenshot, below (where there is just 1 social determinant of health selected, i.e. just "Health and Healthcare") then you can leave it alone.
Continue clicking Ctrl + Down Arrow (↓) until you find a cell that looks like the one in the screenshot below.