After enrolling in Work Space on following these steps: SMPH Medical Student Health Link Remote Access

  1. Verify you installed the Global Protect VPN Client Instructions found here: Windows Mac OSX
  2. Connect to portal:
    Note: You may need to add the portal in setting of the VPN Client
    1. enter your netid username and password
    2. Accept the MFA-Duo Push or enter the passcode on your device
    3. Verify connected
  3. go to
    1. login in with UWHealth credentials
    2. Accept the Multi-Factor Authentication from UWHealth
  4. select the Citrix portal
    1. Note the first time you will need to install the Citrix client on your computer

VPN portal configure and Connecting

Window Screen Shots

Mac Screen Shots

1Open Global Protect from the system try or start menu


At the top left You can click on the three bars to open settings

*note this setup can be skip after the first setup


Click on Add in the Portal section and enter and save

close the window

*note this setup can be skip after the first setup

4Open Global Protect from the system try or start menu


Verify the portal is selected and hit connect

*note if it is the only portal is configure then the portal option will not show.

6Enter your netid and password and click Sign In


Enter 1 to send MFA-Duo Push to device or enter the passcode on your device

8Your Device should indicated it connected to the VPN portal