Brief Description | Facilities Space data related to Occupants, Capacity, and Allocated Departments |
Data Classification | Internal |
Developer | Becky Torrisi |
Primary Audience | Facilities Staff. This dashboard is for use by facilities staff to support their discussions with departments. |
Data Sources | The core facilities-related data is taken from the Facilities Management system (FAMIS). The data is loaded into the SMPH data warehouse (AADW) and used to generate the Qlik data files (QVDs). |
Data Load Schedule | daily |
Definitions | Allocated Dept - The department that has been allocated all or a portion of a space. Allocated Dept Sq.Ft. - The number of square feet in a space that has been allocated to a given department. Capacity - The number of employees the space is designed to hold. HR Department - The major department associated with the faculty member's primary position in the Human Resources (HR) system. Partially Allocated Spaces - Spaces where the sum of PI allocations is less than 100%. This happens when a PI terminates employment, but an adjustment to the space's PI allocation is not updated in FAMIS. Total Occupants - The number of individual employees that have been marked in FAMIS as occupying the space. Each employee may only spend a portion of his/her time in that space. |
Plans for Future Development | There are discussions in progress for how to make space utilization information available through Qlik to departments, centers, and institutes. |
Additional Notes | While the app pulls data daily, the load from FAMIS into AADW is a heavy manual process which occurs every few weeks on average. Details on when the data was last loaded from FAMIS are visible in the app itself. |
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