Click in the link above if you are not automatically redirected in 10 seconds.
Please do not power off your work desktop before leaving the office. Simply Sign-out - Press the Start Menu, select the Person icon, then select Sign out.
From a Windows Computer
- Connect to GlobalProtect VPN
- Press the Start Menu and type GlobalProtect, then select GlobalProtect to launch the application.
- If GlobalProtect is not listed, and you are on a work computer, email Shared Services IT at to have GlobalProtect installed. GlobalProtect is installed on all SMPH IT managed computers as standard software.
- If GlobalProtect is not listed, and you are on a personal computer, see for download and installation instructions.
- Press the Start Menu and type GlobalProtect, then select GlobalProtect to launch the application.
b. If you are asked for a portal address, enter
For PHS, PHI, or SHOW user portal:
c. Press Connect
Verify portal address, enter your NetID and Password, then press Sign In
d. You should see a Connecting message and then GlobalProtect with disappear
e. If the connection was successful, you will see a blue globe in the System Tray (bottom right of computer). If needed, press the up arrow to show System Tray icons.
2. Launch Remote Desktop and connect to Work Computer
- Press the Start Menu and type Remote Desktop Connection, then select the application.
b. Enter your work computer name under Computer name and select Connect.
*See below instructions to lookup your work Computer name.
*** If you do not know your work computer name ***
Open a browser and go to the following address (NetID Login Required)
- Site will list most recently logged into computers **(note, you may have to copy the above link and paste it into internet address bar)
- Enter your credentials
- For Username, type in the same credentials you use to login to your work computer, with the exception of adding MSAD\ or AD\ before your name.
- Enter MSAD\Username if your computer name ends in and enter AD\ if your computer name ends in
- Please reference "If you do not know your work computer name" above for full computer name.
- Enter MSAD\Username if your computer name ends in and enter AD\ if your computer name ends in
- For Username, type in the same credentials you use to login to your work computer, with the exception of adding MSAD\ or AD\ before your name.
- Enter your credentials
- Site will list most recently logged into computers **(note, you may have to copy the above link and paste it into internet address bar)
Example: MSAD\bbadger or AD\bbadger
*** If you get a message indicating the remote computer could not be authenticated due to problems with the security certificate ***
- Check the box "Don't ask me again for connections to this computer", then press Yes.