BB GM’s search functionality is a bit different than legacy’s.
It all starts with the search section on top of the screen.
There are three types of search:
1- Quick search:
This search does simple searches. It does a search either for Contacts or Requests or Organizations.
For Contact, it will search the last name. Including first name will bring no relevant records back.
For Organization part of the last name and Tax ID
For request either part of the organization name or request ID or reference number. For Requests, if entering request reference numbers, the search can handle only one or a series of request numbers separated by comma.
2- Full Search
Full search can do much more and most of complex searches that are under one module (request, contact, etc.):
You can add as many criteria as you wish to it and it can search beyond those three categories. For example you can search for any request with the word ‘fellowship’ in its title.
In the blue box on the left hand side of the screen, we choose what record type we are searching for (Requests, Contacts, etc.).
Clicking the '+' sign beside a search criteria allows to include more choices in an 'OR' conditional query for the same criteria. For example if we want to search for requests that have been either 'Approved' OR 'Pending', we click the plus symbol like this:
Image: Main Full Search Screen
We can click the 'Add Filters' showing in the pink box at the bottom of the image as the first link to include more search criteria from available ones under the same record type.
It gives us the following screen where we can select multiple criteria and also , if we want to see them in future, we can set them as default, so we don't have to do the same selection manually:
The brown option from the brown box on top in the 'Main Full Search Screen Image' above, shows the options available for our full search. This screen we were showing, is the Query builder screen. We can use the queries we ran in the near past or we can also run saves queries from here.
If we need more complex search or conditioning (AND, NOT, etc.), we need to click on the advanced link at the bottom (description coming next).
3- Advanced search.
This one is advanced and does not limit itself to only one module:
This is if we need criteria from different modules. For example if we are looking all request with ‘fellowship’ in either their project title of or organization name. This window is more script like:
Advanced search can handle most sql commands and scripts. One tip is that scripts can be copied from other searches and pasted into new ones.
One difference to be aware of between this type of search with the other two is that the actual names of the fields in database are given here vs in the other two searches, the user will see the label for those.
So, basically, you are able to search for almost anything you wish such as project number and more.
Some fields are not searchable such as calculated fields. These fields can be added to a view only (more on views here), but they are not available in the search module even in advanced search. Also, in blueprint fields library (not the custom fields list), they cannot be modified beyond their label. From custom fields library however, these are the only fields that can actually be completely modified even their database name.