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Brief Description

This app monitors draw amounts for Wisconsin Partnership Program grants.

Data Classification



Melissa Chan

Primary Audience

Wisconsin Partnership Program Administrators

Data Sources


Data Load Schedule



FY Period - A combination of Calendar Year and Calendar Month Nbr. Refers to the last day of the period.
Category - Abbreviated name of the Award Sponsor Id. PERC = MSN102604, OAC = MSN102605, and ADMN = MSN102606.
End Near Close - Flags projects whose end date falls before the Near Close date.
Near Close - The YYYYMM that is three months after the selected FY Period.
Fund Balance - The sum of Revenue_Itd and Exp_and_Sales_Cr_Itd, rounded to 2 decimals.
Draw Amount - If expenses do not exceed the budget, this equals the sum of Revenue_Itd, Sales_Credit_Itd, and Expense_Itd. If the grant is overspent, this equals the sum of Budget_Itd and Revenue_Itd as long as the sum is greater than 0. Otherwise, this is null.
Amount Overspent - If Expense_Itd and Sales_Credit_Itd exceeds the Budget_Itd, this field is null. Otherwise, it equals Expense_Itd + Sales_Credit_Itd - Budget_Itd
For all other terms see WISDM definitions

Plans for Future Development

None at this time

Additional Notes

Only grants in Award Sponsor Id's MSN102604, MSN102605, or MSN102606 are included.

This app excludes archived grants (where Project Status Number = 6), excludes grants with no financial nor budget activity, and excludes data from the current period.

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