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Background Information

The Wisconsin Partnership Program (WPP) has a webpage which shows off a number of the grants that the program has funded since its inception in 2004. This webpage is called the "Funded Projects Page" as it contains a number of projects that the WPP has funded.

The webpage can be found by following this link:

On a yearly basis (usually in ~beginning to mid November), the WPP Communications team will reach out to the system analyst to ask for a new version of the report that is used the UW Web team to update the Funded Projects page. This page will be a guide for how to run/transform that report.

First Step: Run the Funded Projects Report in Fluxx

The first step is to find (or add to your dashboard) an Ad-hoc Reports card (with no filters applied to it). In the search bar for the card, type in "Funded Projects;" the only report returned should be the "Funded Projects Report." Click on that report name from the list in order to open up the record. Then, click on the "Workflow" button found in the bottom right-hand corner of the card. From the small menu that pops up, click "Generate Report" in order to run the latest version of this report. Please see also the screenshot below for more assistance.

Once you do so, you'll have to wait some time (usually ~30 seconds up to a minute) before the report downloads and can be opened. Download and open the report when it does so.

If the report opens in "Protected View," feel free to click on the "Enable Editing" button (see also the screenshot below).

Once open with editing enabled, the report should look something like this:

You've now completed the initial step of getting the data ready for the Funded Projects Webpage update. Please see the next section, "Making Changes to the Excel Sheet" to see what modifications are needed to the report before it is ready to be sent to the UW Web team.

Step Two: Making Changes to the Excel Sheet

Now that you have the report, it's time to get the file ready for import.

T-4 Sortable Element Column

We first need a "T4 Sortable Element" column. To create it, start by right-clicking on column A and then select "Insert" from the menu that appears; this will insert a new column to the right of column A.

In the new cell A1, type in the name for your new column. The name for this column should be "T-4 Sortable Element."

If you want to make the title more readable, you can select all cells in the sheet (click on the icon in the top left-hand corner of the cells) and then click "Wrap Text" on the "Home" tab.

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